It’s been a few days since our last show – for the time being – at Waterloo East Theatre and Ali & Debs have had the chance to reflect on the wonderful response Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents..The Launch has had. From the passion and commitment of all the talented creatives involved in putting on this show, to the thirst for new writing that the audience brought with them to the theatre. Although Ali & Debs are now reclaiming those parts of their lives that inevitably go on hold when producing a show, Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents will be back in the new year. Until then, we thought we’d share with you a few of our rehearsal shots.

Michael Walsh and Ali Kemp in Cause for Alarm

Beth Louise-Priestley and Matt Mowat in Dust

Gavin Dobson and Victoria Denard in The Final Frontier

Amy Flight and Amanda Croft in On the Horizon

Gerri Farrell in My Bloody Laundrette

Deborah Klayman, Georgina Periam and Gerri Farrell in My Bloody Laundrette

Lizzie Bourne, Thea Beyleveld and Dani Moseley in Three Women in a Music Box

The rather lovely Tom Neill

Paul Kevin-Taylor and Tom Neill have left the building – goodnight everybody!