In January, this happened…..
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But For Us table read January 2019, Old Diorama Arts Centre
Photos by Stew Calladine @arty_stew
Hearing actors, most that we’d never met before, discuss and read our characters with such intimate knowledge of them was a strange and wonderful experience. This play has been about three years in the writing, and at the reading it really felt like it was stepping out in the big wide world and starting a life of its own, finding its own voice. It got us quite emosh.
A huge thanks to the actors for their enthusiasm and invaluable input: Adil Akram, Yvonne Campbell, Roger Conneff, Eva Fontaine, Érin Geraghty, Andre Lecointe, Natascha Slasten and PK Taylor. Our eternal gratitude also to Paula David and Swee Wildman for their insightful contributions. It was a joy to be led by director Fiona MacPherson and wonderful to be reunited with friend of Whoop ‘n’ Wail, Stew Calladine, who took the photos for us.
Thanks also to The Old Diorama Arts Centre, who are supporting the development of our work through the Associate Performers Scheme – ultimately, without them, this day couldn’t have happened.
So, what next?
We aren’t sitting back on our laurels that’s for sure!
Feeling super inspired by Rikki Beadle-Blair’s, “Life’s A Pitch” workshop (Old Vic Workshops For Artists), and with tailored advice from David Byrne (New Diorama Monthly Artist Surgeries), we’re full steam ahead in preparation for two weeks of research and development in the spring.
You gotta play a long game to get from page to stage, but look at all the fabulous people you get to meet and learn from along the way!
#wwwwhoopnwailcom #PaulKevinTaylor #DavidByrne #GloriaWildman #ButForUs #RogerConneff #OldDioramaArtsCentre #PaulaDavid #NataschaSlasten #FionaMacPherson #NewDioramaMonthyArtistSurgeries #EvaFontaine #WhoopnWail #OldVicWorkshopsForArtists #RikkiBeadleBlair #YvonneCampbell #StewCalladine #SweeWildman #AndreLecointe #AdilAkram #ErinGeraghty