Whoop ‘n’ Wail is on the look out for a theatre technician to join the Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents…Mayday team.
If you think you might be interested, please read the brief below and email us at info@whoopnwail.com, with the following details.
Your contact details
Your CV (which must include at least two professional credits)
Confirmation of your availability for the project including the tech rehearsal day on Monday 27th April.
Confirmation that you have read the Mayday Technician’s Brief and agree to the terms.
The deadline for expressions of interest is 5pm Monday 13th April 2015.
For Represents…Mayday, submissions have come from home-grown talent: writers currently living in the UK. Six fantastic pieces have been selected, successful writers paired with a director, and all we need now is a technician to help us make sure these great plays are seen and heard!
What we are looking for:
An enthusiastic, professional theatre technician to operate both lights and sound for our Represents… new writing showcase
Must be available all day on the 27th April 2015 and from 1700 on 28th April 2015
Technician’s responsibilities:
Get in/tech on 27th April 2015
Focus & Colour
Programming lights for 6 short plays
Operating lights and sound for 2 performances (27th & 28th April 2015)
Strike post show on 28th April 2015
Lighting board is a Jester 24/48 (can plot and save to a USB)
CD player
Mixer desk (can attach a laptop/ipod)
Lights (already rigged but moveable)
Speakers already mounted (Static)
What we provide:
A complete tech folder will be provided with marked up tech scripts for each play
Sound cues already preloaded onto a laptop with CD backup
Friendly, professional and committed directors and casts
A post-show reference/recommendation if requested