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Plays for Edinburgh: The Traverse 50.

Writer: Whoop 'n' WailWhoop 'n' Wail

Well, a fantastic end to Whoop ‘n’ Wail’s busy 2012. If having our latest play ‘Cascade of Baubles’ presented at 17Percent’s She Writes showcase wasn’t exciting enough, Whoop ‘n’ Wail’s very own Deborah Klayman was one of the winning writers in the Traverse Theatre’s Traverse Fifty competition. Whoop!

To celebrate the Traverse Theatre’s 50th year they launched a competition for a play of 500 words on the theme of Plays for Edinburgh. They received 630 scripts and Deb’s play The Boundary was one of 50 selected. All the plays will be performed on the 26th January 2013 and Debs will be working with the Traverse to develop her work through out the year.

Ali & Debs are raring to go on more exciting Whoop ‘n’ Wail projects in 2013 but for now, it’s time for a well earned break.

Merry Christmas all

Ali & Debs



© Whoop 'n' Wail Theatre Company 2022

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